Sunday Sketch: Parrotfish 

Scarus psittacus, commonly known as parrotfish, is named for its parrot-like beak, which it uses to bite off chunks of coral that it crushes and digests. Most of the sediment found on white sandy beaches is parrotfish poop.

[Edited by Nicole Rodrigues]


Perry C.T. , Kench, P.S., O’Leary, M.J., Morgan, K.M. , & Januchowski-Hartley, F. (2015). Linking reef ecology to island building: Parrotfish identified as major producers of island-building sediment in the Maldives. Geology, 43 (6), 503–506.

Morgan K.M., & Kench P.S. (2016). Parrotfish erosion underpins reef growth, sand talus development and island building in the Maldives. Sedimentary Geology, 341, 50-57.

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