Arts & Crafts: Keeping Corals Cool!

Even though corals look like a combination of rocks and plants, they are actually part of the animal kingdom [1]! Sadly, these amazing animals are in danger due to warmer ocean water and other threats [1, 2]. In awareness of Endangered Species Day (May 16th), we wanted to share some coral reef and ocean artwork contributed by a few Young Explorers! Thank you for reminding everyone how important it is to care for the natural world by showing us how truly awesome marine life is. See more artwork and links to resources on corals below!

Artwork contributed by Elena, Amelia, and Anthony.

Other Resources:

Corals | NOAA Fisheries

Coral Reef Facts | National Geographic Kids

Why are coral reefs important? | Natural History Museum

If you have any artwork of animals that you would like to share, you can submit them using these guidelines.


[1] National Geographic. (2017, November 7). Coral Reefs 101 | National Geographic [Video]. YouTube.

[2] Hendry, L. (n.d.). Paradise in peril. Natural History Museum.

[Edited by Siobhan Calhoun]

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